At JET AIRWAYS ACADEMY, we strive to provide our students with the best quality training possible, since this will make the difference between success and failure later on their career. Airlines always look for the best trained applicants, and will test and value their actual knowledge, skills and flight standards before committing to a new hire.
This is why we take your education and training very seriously, and will prepare you not only to pass your exams and flight reviews, but also to let you achieve an excellence level high enough to make sure that you have the maximum opportunities when it comes to applying for a line job.
Feria de Educación Superior 2017 - CAMPO FERIAL CHUQUIAGO MARKA, en la ciudad de la Paz, Bolivia.
Nuestro Alumno Andres Murillo haciendo sus horas en el aeropuerto de Miami Executive para la licencia americana FAA de piloto privado.
Jet Airways Academy - Simulador de vuelo Boeing 737 NG.
JET AIRWAYS ACADEMY en la Feria Internacional De La Fuerza Aérea Boliviana (FIFAB)